Prototype Introduction: … is like riding Trojan Horses!

Focusing on micro interventions and micro methodologies, this project aims to help people stay politically and culturally active.

Want to know about this prototype in action?

The team has worked hard to bring their dream to reality. Check out this blog post from Heybeli Island in Turkey!

Prototype Description:

Systemic change is a big issue, especially in countries in a current state of emergency where people isolate themselves from public sphere to stay safe. We believe that our aim should and could be to help the people to stay alive in both a cultural and political way. Sometimes the joy of life, playing games, sharing stories and having fun together might be the most political thing that you can do…​ is like riding on a Trojan Horse.

Games and storytelling provide a safe and magical environment, in which participants can test and trial the consequences of their actions (behavior, words and work). In this way, participants became more clever and creative in the real world, and can strengthen their position in the community.

In the project …is like riding Trojan Horses!, we aim to development and create methodologies (i.e. games, workshop tools and storytelling elements) helping people to gather (again) in public spaces, to vocalize issues in public without having the fear of suffering from consequences they can`t handle. Therefore, this project is based on workshops and focuses on micro interventions, micro methodologies and studies on a small scale and on local levels. The workshops will be designed participatively with the target groups whom we connected through local networks up to local issues.

Through storytelling, games and workshops; the project aims to develop playful methodologies which allows people to speak about current needs and future dreams indirectly. This could be a safe and creative way to speak in an hostile, undemocratic climates such as Turkey, Hungary and Russia.

from ... like riding Trojan Horses! prototype application.

Aims of the prototype:

Our ambition is to focus on a certain place, seek collaboration with local people, create a workshop atmosphere where people can experience the benefits of free expression and sharing in the open and safe environment provided through playfull methods such as games and storytelling.

This project focuses on places and aims to learn and share based on workshops through its journey from places to places. Each workshop will lead to the creation of something indigenous to the specific place and will grow and get more and more precise also through a constant learning and growing process during the following workshops (first in Turkey, later in Hungary and in Russia).

At the end, we will have a set of ready made and tested (new) methodologies as well as flexible and applicable manuals which we can share within the CLab and local networks as well as with NGOs from different countries working with similar problems in comparable communities and/or neighborhoods.

Target Groups:

The projects primary location is Heybeli Island, Istanbul, Turkey. All local social initiatives and small groups can find tools in our project that they can use for a social cause, create awareness, vocalize some issues or speak for themselves. The indirect approach of the methodologies used may help the groups hesitant to act and speak directly up to various reasons.

Handan Saatçıoğlu Gürses, Komsu Kapisi Community House
Anna Szilágyi-Nagy, kultúrAktív Egyesület
Karsten Michael Drohsel, mikromakro e.V

Budget: 2.496€

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