CLab Journey 2020 CLab online network meeting. Sesson 1: Community getting together The CLab Community connected online during Covid 19. Our 1st session explored and experimented with connecting in times of physical distance through online cooking together, live music and storytelling. The Culinary Island of Coming Together Co-creation in complex times requires a ship with strong sails, a willing crew of change-makers and a shared intention to navigate uncertain waters. It also calls for storytelling, creativity, energy and deep listening! We will explore this and much more through 3 interactive online sessions with the CitizensLab community. We have had our journey of getting together in times of physical distancing and reduced traveling due to Covid 19. Embarking on a collective journey into the co-created CLab Lands, we gathered online to cook together, share stories, reflect on the meaning of TRUST and manifest our community in challenging times. To learn more about the 1st online CLab session, check out the Booklet CLab session 1 "Trust is a condition for true transformation" "TRUST is not a given and it is constantly shifting, is a practice" CLab session 1_22.05.20 Read our CLab Booklet "The Culinary Island of Coming Together" CLab Booklet session 1