Redreaming_Molly Costello
Redreaming_Molly Costello

Cascading Transformations: Nurturing our Depth Learning

Art of Hosting MasterClass

7-9 June 2024, Berlin

How do we LEARN faster and more profoundly in and through our diversities during these times of cascading systems breakages?

How do we HOST… if we don’t bring our different identities, positionalities, world views, lived experience and dreaming natures together?


These times of increasing complexity, polarisation and chamos are inviting us to learn faster and more profoundly.  These times are inviting us to learn collectively in and through our diversities and multiplicities to see more widely and deeply.

Nature learns and thrives and evolves because of diversity so it makes sense that we humans follow this natural law, especially as we hospice and birth new ways of living.  When we say diversities, we mean the bounty of human cultures, social identities, ancestries, worldviews. We also mean the more-than-human, the numinous, ecosystems, our inner/outer worlds, and the multiple and different contexts in which we live and die.

Nature also teaches us that newness is often born on the edges where ecosystems meet one another.  The periphery, the excluded, the marginalised, the still occupied or colonised are essential to discovering new fluidity in moving from the current system to the more just ones that are waiting to arrive.  We suspect that the systems leaders for these times are collectives of unlikely partners meeting in our artistry, queerness, resolve, and deep longing. We might be seeking guidance from both the unseen and the practical – fusing what we know with what we do not – discovering potential that will take us to new inner and outer realities.


We know that kindness, care and kinship are core capabilities. We sense that there are inner capacities that need particular attention and cultivation to host in increasing complexity, polarisation and chamos.


We know that learning itself is the most powerful practice for living into the unknown.  And that gathering to collectively inquire, share stories, and listen deeply to each other and the more-than-human world are essential. For all these reasons, we are called to create a learning container to access a deeper well of our wisdom and capacity to take ourselves and our Art of Hosting practice further.


We, the CitizensLab and the Living Wholeness Institute are thrilled to extend an invitation to you for a transformative 3-day gathering. A time of deep listening, inquiry, and the exploration of various pathways to profound personal and collective transformation in service to these times.

This is an Art of Hosting Master Class. We are calling this space to inquire into the hosting capacities and competencies for accelerating depth learning to navigate the cascading systems breakages and potential of these times.

We wish to create a rich learning container to collectively harvest what emerges between us: What qualities and capacities enable places, fields of people, organisations, extreme contexts to transform to higher orders of potential?
We will focus on the dance between the inner practices and the collective practices of hosting in complexity.


Alice Priori, Maria Scordialos and Vanessa Reid are connected through the Art of Hosting community of practice that we co-steward and share Alice and Maria have worked together since 2017 co-creating the CitizensLab, experimenting with a social lab approach and working with activists in Europe who are experimenting with new governance, community work, social justice and artistry. Maria and Vanessa have known each other since 2007 through the Berkana Exchange as practitioners to evolve the 2-Loops Model of Change. They went on to co-found the Living Wholeness Institute in 2010 with Sarah Whiteley and have worked locally and globally hosting transformational learning. Vanessa’s work with the Wolf Willow Institute for Systems Learning in Turtle Island/Canada connected her with Raïsa Mirza, and here we are, weaving this field.

Between us, we bring our multiple identities, ancestries, diverse contexts. We bring a beautiful tangle of relationships and practices including Social Justice, Process Work, Deep Democracy, Regenerative Practice, Land Practices, Somatic Intelligence, Mixed Media Art and the Living Wholeness Practice. We bring all of this beautiful and messy tangle of relationships and practices to call this Depth Learning space. And we bring ourselves as inquirers, on the edges of our own learning.

We come with our skills and full humility around hosting diversity and multiplicity. Between us we have deep experience and are meeting our own edges of hosting in a time of reckoning with historical harm, systems of oppression, and issues of race, identity and power. We come with a critical lens on the need and urgency to consciously dismantle white-suprematism, coloniality, eurocentric view. We acknowledge our external identities and the privilege of our whiteness and also honour the multiple inner and outer diversities between us.

Our Artist in Residence is Raïsa Mirza (she/her/elle) a socially engaged artist, life-centred designer, facilitator, and positive deviant who hails from the edges of the world, most recently Newfoundland, and Wales. Her artwork is “spontaneous and free. It is liberation.” She blends her Bangladeshi roots and culture with mixed media, photography, storytelling, metaphor, myth, ecotones and her deep conversation with the visible and invisible forms of life. Raïsa brings with her the imagery and the stories she’s collected living/working in over 20 countries, in a variety of sectors. To hear her speak of the ocean, is to meet a sea creature. As artist-in-residence, she brings the depth and breadth of her life and practice to open our inquiry to the unknown: “There is some form of courage and bravery needed to capture the in-between, not the posed, or the expected.”

Within the frame of our time, we will connect to:

Plurality Practices

  • Diverse worldviews, mindsets and identities
  • Teachings on living systems and regenerative frames
  • Our multiplicities through iterative attendance to different states of being
  • Artistry, queerness, edges

Systems Leading

  • Navigating chamos and the cycles of letting go, death, loss
  • Inner and outer awareness practices
  • Power intelligence

Practices & Intelligences

  • Stories of place and the more-than-human world
  • Our somatic intelligences
  • Listening, connecting, patterning, sense making, harvesting
  • Gentleness, kindness, just-enoughness to let things happen and give time for individual and collective digestion and reflection
We Are Redreaming at the Roots_Molly Costello
We Are Redreaming at the Roots_Molly Costello


We invite us to be together in a gentle, spacious, caring way in order to drop into deep listening and inquiry. A space where we might meet our hidden powers, our blind spots, the edges that we’ve been avoiding. We will take time to breathe, open, expand our awareness, and be experimental. And together, we will sense-make, and dream ourselves into futures we carry in our souls. We welcome grief and hope. We will practice attunement, co-regulation, signal awareness, and be in our somatic wisdom. And true to the essence of Art of Hosting, we will self-organise and be in emergence so that we might invite our next actions to come from the soil of our collective discoveries.

There is a lot of space here for each of us to bring our lived experience and dreams of a just and caring future.


You are already a practitioner in the Art of Hosting or participatory leadership. You are currently hosting regenerative, emergent, collective learning spaces in your community, work, family, worlds – and you have questions to which you do not have the answer. You might identify as a facilitator, host, community organizer, you might be a teacher working with migrant refugees, restorative justice with inmates, a politician whose constituencies are divided, a facilitator working with climate grief, a trans community organizer, an elder holding your family or community, an anti-racism advocate feeling exhaustion….

You have an awareness that the way to transform is TOGETHER. You are seeking a space to deepen your own inner journey to bridge complexities in your outer work. You have already invested in yourself and you are now ready to take a new step, to nurture your depth learning – and bring it back to your context.



Dates  7-9 June 2024

Friday 7th at 2pm-6 pm

Saturday 8th 10am-6pm

Sunday 9th 10am-3pm


Number of participants: Up to 25

Language: The training will be held in English.


Location: Berlin Brandenburg, Stolzenhagen an der Oder

(16248 Lunow-Stolzenhagen)

The AoH Master Class will take place at the “Schmiede Stolzenhagen” you can also see the venue at this link: Ponderosa

We will organise the “RufusBus” that will take you from the closest train station to the venue.

What are the costs?

* The fee covers: participation in the three-day training, materials,  6 meals (vegetarian/vegan breakfast, lunch, dinner), and coffee breaks.

Early Birds offer until March 21st

Supporter                835 EUR

Standard                 675 EUR

Supported               575 EUR


After March 21st:

Supporter                925 EUR

Standard                 750 EUR

Supported               575 EUR

We care a lot about making the Art of Hosting MasterClass training as inclusive and accessible as possible and hence offer three different tiers.

The standard fee allows us to cover each person’s attendance and includes catering (coffee breaks and meals), materials, location rent, administration, team travel and accommodation costs as well as basic fees for the hosting team.

The supporter fees allow us to enable participants who cannot afford the standard fee to attend and pay the hosting team a more sustainable remuneration for their work. Therefore, if you’re coming from an organisation with a training budget or have the possibility to invest more, please consider choosing the supporter fee so that we can allow people from different economic backgrounds to participate.

We operate in an economy of trust. We trust you to make a wise choice based on what is possible and realistic for you and taking into consideration the value of the offering and all the work that has gone in.

If you want to come and cannot afford the supported fee, feel free to email us at citizenslab(at) and we can see if there is a way for us to offer you a scholarship, potentially in exchange for another kind of non financial contribution/ work exchange. We will accept scholarship applications until May 6th 2024.

* The fee covers: participation in the three-day training, materials, 6 meals (vegetarian/ vegan breakfast, lunches, dinners), and coffee breaks.

Please note that the training fee does not include accommodation in Stolzenhagen. You will find all the accommodation options in the registration form, which range from sleeping in a Tent (8€), a Double Room (25-30€), and a Single Room (40€) per night.

Click HERE to Register!